
Form :

Plant Material Powder

Source :

Dried germinated pollens of plant community Salix alba mixed with the bark of Casuarina equisatifolia


  • This drug is used to treat the following types of Rheumatism :
  • Shoulder pain
  • Muscular Rheumatism ( Fibrositis )
  • Rheumatoid
  • Lumbago ( Lumbar Rheumatism )
  • Neck pain

Notes on the drug

In about 45% of the Patients the drug removes the excess fats. in witch case the recovery is fast and magnificent. During the drug administration, it helps improve the stomach condition

Forbidden practtices during treatment

  • Any drug containing cortisone should not be used
  • Sulfasalazine drugs should be avoided
  • penicillin should not be adminstered during treatment
  • patients should not carry heavy objcts during treatment
  • patients should always keep the body in the right position
  • patiens should reduce eating eggs, fave bean, okra and eggplan

Recommended Foods

  • Cooked and Uncooked garlic
  • Fresh lemon juice
  • Fifty milliters of green bean juice daily
  • 300ml of pear juice daily
  • Eating parsley is encouraged

Side effects :

No side effects but it are advised not to use the drug in the following cases :
Mucous or spastic colitis and during rheumatoid fever

Usage :

1:2 tape 3Time daily before each meal



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