Pisum elatius

Plant name :

Pisum elatius

Figure available :

all part, oil, powder

Quality :


Quantity Available :

100000 KG

Medical uses :

Cracked lips

Minimum Order :

1000 KG


An annual plant up to 1 m in height, it has a glaucescent color. Stems are rigid, sometimes branchy. Stipules are rather large, in the bottom part of the plant, there are non-uniform denticles. Leaves consist of 2-3 pairs of rather large leaflets, with small denticles on its edge, they have an oblong or elliptical form. The leaf axis ends in branchy, short tendrils. Inflorescences usually consist of two flowers, they are 2-3 times longer than stipules.
Flowers are about 2.5 cm in length. Flag is lilac or purple, wings are dark purple. Keel is usually pink. Pods are 6-10 cm in length, about 1 cm wide, they are rigid, with dark brown color when mature, easily dehiscent. Seeds are spherical, up to 5 mm in diameter, with thin, tuberculate seed coat, dark brown, sometimes with dark spots. Blossoms in June, produces fruit in July-August..


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