Eczema ( For Adults )

Composition :

The Product Contains Pollen of Phlomis Aurea

Chemical Composition :

Olic Acid :

023 MG

A- Pinene :

7.3 %

B- Pinene :

5.8 %

Mode of Action :

The Folic acid is considered one of the derivatives of the natural cortisone in the plant which transform to Formic acid

The a-pinene stimulate immune system and give the skin smoothness and Freshness

The B- pinene acts as a nervous sedative

Side effects :

No health hazards or side effects are known with administration of the product

Dosage And Administration :

One tablet three times a day before meals

Duration of Treatment :

The duration of treatment lasts 2-3 months in conjunction with topical eczema treatment oil twice a day

Precautions And Warning :

The patient must avoid substances that cause skin irritation like soap and chemicals



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