Slimness ( Weight Loss )

Composition :

The product contains pollen of Ammi visnaga loaded on the same plant stalk

Chemical Composition : ( 100 GM Powder contents )

Cumin Aldehyde:

22 GM


21 %

Terpinene :

12 %

Para Cymene :

2.6 %

Mode of Action :

The Terpinene acts as a appetite stimulant

Cumin aldehyde acts to digest protein and thus helps to absorb it and absorb calories better

B-pinene acts to restore feeling of quietness, it is also nutrient and very useful

Side Effects :

No health hazards or side effects are known with administration of the product

Dosage And Administration :

One tablet three times a day before meals

Foods To Be Taken Care Of :

Meat, fish, fresh fruit, vegetables and full cream milk

Precautions And warning :

Not taking medications that stimulate thyroid secretions

Avoid using drugs that affect the digestive tract advised to use the colon product


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