Sida Ovata

Plant name :

Sida Ovata

Figure Available :

All Part, Oil, Powder

Quality :


Quantity Available :

100000 KG

Medical uses :


Minimum Order :

1000 KG


Erect to decumbent perennial herb or shrublet, up to 75 cm tall, stems densely pubescent to tomentose, sometimes also with scattered long simple hairs.
Leaves with 2–12 mm long petiole, blade 1–5.5 (–7.5) x 0.6–3.7 (–5) cm, cuneate to rounded or truncate at the base, subacute to retuse at the apex, with serrate-crenate margins, pubescent to tomentose, more densely so beneath.
Flowers axillary, solitary or paired , pedicels 2–30 mm long, articulated above middle. Calyx 5–9 mm long, 10-ribbed at the base, tomentose outside, puberulous inside on lobes only, enclosing the ripe fruit.
Petals (5–)8–11 mm long, yellow to orange or sometimes white, erect when open. Mericarps 7–9, 3–3.5 mm long, with a pair of up to 1 mm long puberulous beaks, rugose to reticulate on the back, reticulate-striate on the sides…


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