About Us

About Us

We aim to produce natural preparations from plants pollen using advanced scientific techniques. These preparations have no sideeffects as chemical medicine. Over the past years, great changes have taken place in the medical field, specially the field of alternative medicine – the so – called complementary medicine. Alternative medicine includes many kinds : acupuncture, hydrotherapy, diet therapy and herbal therapy. Herbal therapy should be on a scientific basis so we don’t believe in the thought that says if herbs are not useful, they won’t be harmful. So, we did our best to study the herb to know its conte nts, sideeffects and the noxious substances it contains.

Using plant pollen is a new treating technique all over the world. In 1982 we’ve reclaimed about 5000 acre in Olba mountain, a place in the south of Egypt, under supervision and support of some Egyptian professors specialized in plants, we started our researches putting in mind that plants should be free from any chemicals.
Now, we export our products to many European countries : Italy, France and some other Arabian countries